Puxian Hall, established by Hong Kong Bodhi Siksa Society, is a modern Buddhist hall that provides social services to local community and serves as a cultural and education centre in the city downtown. Puxian Hall, with the “Ten Vows of Puxian Bodhisattva” in Buddhism as its mission statement, endeavors to put it into daily services and practices for the community.
普賢道場面積一萬多尺,由兩個功能區組成:法堂和五觀堂。進入靜謐莊嚴的法堂,左右側是嵌有普賢菩薩的琉璃磚牆,陽光透過菩薩像映照進來,如同極樂世界的佛光。法堂正面是一塊三米 七乘一米七高的巴西紅木浮雕普賢海會圖,當中有眾多菩薩、護法、童子站立或端坐在祥雲之間,中心的普賢菩薩栩栩如生,端坐在六牙象之上,慈祥地注視每一位參拜的善信。
從法堂穿過走廊,進入靈動而現代的五觀堂,與法堂雪白色天花不同, 此處以鏤空的木條為頂,有別於法堂的嚴肅莊重,五觀堂在功能上更多元,可舉行齋宴、展覽及多種文教活動。
自2023年4月初普賢道場開幕以來,道場致力於在佛法修學、慈善服務和文化教育三方面,為社區注入正能量,推動“喜悦人生、自在生命” 的人生佛教理念。
Since the opening in early April 2023, the Hall has been used for cultural events and activities serving various needs of different stakeholders.
Puxian Hall has hosted many Buddhist praying and practising assemblies, such as a 21-day “Avatamsaka Sutra” reading assembly, monthly “Universal Virtue Bodhisattva’s Practices’ And Vows’ and reading of the “Di Zang Jing” assembly, and quarterly “Eight Precepts Fasting and Amitahba Recitation” assembly. Additionally, a series of Buddhist lectures and practising courses were held, such as the medication course led by Venerable Master Don Wen, “Faith, Understanding, Practice, and Proof of the Avatamsaka Sutra”, presented by Professor Yuen Sheung Wah and “No-self in Buddhism” presented by Dr. Chan Pui Yin.
道場自2023年6月始開設「菩提在線」電話熱線服務,每週一至週五12點到下午18點,致電3952 7888,即能及時獲取情緒支援及哀傷輔導。我們秉持耐心聆聽、關懷及不批判的精神,提供各種心理輔導服務,熱線亦會透過佛法的智慧幫助受眾學習「轉念」,為身心注入積極向上的力量,為受眾解開人生困擾。
Since its opening Venerable Master Kuan Yun, the Head of the Hall initiated the project of “Bodhi for Lonely Seniors”. This project aims to provide service of spiritual care to lonely elders without family support in local communities. There are also support hotline services provided to local citizens who suffered from depression, loneliness or isolation. It is available 1200-1800 everyday from Monday to Friday by phone by dialing 3952 7888.
Puxian Hall had also hosted students cultural day activities since July 2023. Over 1,000 students and teachers from ten local secondary schools had visited the Hall. Apart from lectures given by well-known scholars, students could spend the day in the Hall trying different cultural activities such as Tai Chi, paper cutting, singing bowl meditation, flower arrangement, calligraphy etc. Participants would also be able to experience a unique vegetarian meal provided following the traditional Buddhist practising guidelines.
We also host exhibitions of Buddhist arts and Chinese calligraphy. We successfully organised in July 2023 an exhibition of the story of Sudhanakumāra which attracted not only local visitors but also those from China and abroad.
Puxian Hall will continue to commit ourselves in building a home-like retreat in the city for people pursuing spiritual growth.
普賢道場將再 接再厲,學習普賢菩薩慈悲雙運、智慧行願,利益眾生。道場希望與社會各界廣結善緣,攜手共進,為共建和諧幸福的社區一同努力。
Exit A1 of Wan Chi MTR station or B3 of Exhibition Centre Station
(Bus routes are subject to change without prior notice)