


服務時間: 星期一至五中午12時至下午6時


“給孤獨-菩提在線” 關愛計劃

都市人生活節奏緊張,容易產生各種負面情緒,有見及此, 菩提學會下屬「普賢道場」,得到善心人士捐助,於 2023 年 6 月 起,開設“菩提在線”熱線電話服務,安排義工接聽電話,適時 向本地受情緒困擾的市民提供心理及情緒輔導服務。自去年熱線 開通至今,已接聽超過 2000 次電話,關懷超過 100 位長者。



熱線電話號碼:3952 7888
義工排班 接電話時間每週 1-2 次,每次至少 3 小時。



Care for Singleton and Doubleton Elderly Families Bodhi Online

In response to the fast-paced and stressful lifestyle of urban residents, the Puxian Hall under Hong Kong Bodhi Siksa Society has initiated a project called the “Bodhi Online” for the elderly in the Yan Chai Hospital Fong Yock Yee Neighbourhood Elderly Centre. 10 elders from the centre who are in need of family support or are facing emotional challenges, have been asked to join this project. This project provides regular telephone consolation and visitation services to these elderly individuals. Volunteers with background in Buddhist studies and a strong commitment to community services have to undergo basic training and familiarization with the characteristics of the elderly before they officially provide their services. In addition to the lifelong consolation and visitation services, the program also includes organizing outings and vegetarian banquets for the elderly participants. Moreover, when needed, support for end-of-life matters is also provided. The ultimate goal of the program is to ensure that the recipients receive long-term and timely emotional support in enabling them to live a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

如果您有興趣加入我們的隊伍,為有需要的人士提供幫助,請致電報名:2104 0833,WhatsApp:6810 5501。我們將安排項目介紹及培訓。期待你的參與!(該項目將長期招募義工)